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๐Ÿ“„ Business and Collaboration proposalsUpdated 2 years ago

The support email is meant to help our customers with order and product related questions.

We aren't looking for marketing agencies as we already have a team dedicated to that. If you have a business proposal, please send an email to [email protected]. We always hear out serious non-vague proposals and try to give an answer as soon as possible. Please note, marketing propositions and self-promoting requests will be ignored.

If you are an influencer/creator and would like to work with us, send an email to [email protected]. We are currently working with a lot of people and are focused on those agreements for now. However, we would be more than happy to give new partnerships a chance if it's something in line with what we're looking for.ย 

Like before, keep your messages non-vague and clear. Introduce yourself and explain what you would like to achieve through a collaboration with us. If we like what we hear, we would be happy to work with you.

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